Friday, January 8, 2010

Why Organic Foods Are Really Important

1. Why are some plants and animals viewed organic?

Food which has been grown and prepared by nature is what is considered as food which is organic. Some people feel that organic food is sound for them and is also beneficial for the environment.

When artificial additives, fertilizers, synthetic pesticides and other bioengineering kinds are not utilized when growing crops, what we get is food which is organic. In the case of animals they must substantially not be confined in small spaces for many hours or days, must be fed using organically grown feed and must not employ antibiotics or similar synthetic biochemical substances.

Several countries define and certify food which is organic using different measures.

2. So, is organically grown food healthy for us anyway?

Well, researchers say that in the absence of pesticides plants give rise to increased vitamin and antioxidants to take care of themselves. If you need extra nutritional value you must ingest organic food as opposed to non-organic.

There is also the concern of low level contamination by pesticides in crops or plants which then gets into the human body when the food is taken. When animals are vaccinated using antibiotics they get small amounts of resistance to diseases and may be more costly to rear.

3. Does the environment love organic food?

If you want clean underground water and richer soil you must develop small amounts of toxic waste in the environment by growing food which is organic. It is remarkable to ascertain that drinking water is not contaminated and life in rivers, dams, seas and the oceans is not affected by pesticide utilization. The environment is interrupted when toxins enter the food web.

Since natural methods are employed to acquire food which is organic, little energy is employed. They also need little packaging materials and therefore overall they give rise to small amounts of waste. Genetically changed plants and animals are non-organic species which would genetically pollute the naturally occurring organic ones.

Well, there is some proof that genetically altered foods can make more output per hectare than organically grown food. The utilization of agricultural chemicals and substances is small for organic foods than for non-organic ones, even though the production per square meter is smaller.

4. Would you afford organic food?

Well, it seems organic food costs a bit more than non-organic due to the sensed value of the final product, yet it is supposed to be cheaper because it requires smaller amounts of inputs for its growth. A cost effective method is to get your food which is organic straight from the farmer whom you know. The best organic food must be grown under the best climatic situations, but such circumstances may exist on some far off place on the planet and importing food is sometimes dear.

Due to the standardization of preparing of foods which are organic by authorities in several countries, it is easy to find organic foods since they will be distinctly labeled. To make sure that the food is organically produced one way is to ensure that you determine a locally based farmer who uses natural ways to cultivate crops or rear animals. However, foreign food which is organic may be tricky to verify and most of the time you rely on the "say so" of the shop owners and this is still a grey area for many purchasers.

Getting Started Eating Organic Foods

Everything, including eating healthier, starts with a first step. Very few people jump into new things with both feet, which is good because transitioning slowly with anything, including a new way of eating, ensures a much higher success rate in the long run. Before your next weekly shopping trip, do a full inventory of your refrigerator and your pantry. Go to the grocery store and peruse the produce section to see if yours carries organic produce and then explore your grocery store to see if it has a natural or organic foods section; many do thanks to high demand for them. Once you've done these first two steps, you can move on to the next steps to get yourself started eating organic foods.

If you already eat fruits and vegetables, make buying organic versions of basic produce like apples, oranges and celery your first step in the transition to eating organic foods. While they are pricier, they are free of pesticides and herbicides and grow in naturally nutrient-rich soil so they will taste better and they are better for you. Usually introducing organic foods to your body and your pocket book is a good place to start; if you see something you've never had before in organic form, consider expanding your horizons and buy it. By taking one step at a time and a trial-and-error approach, you can have fun with this new diet idea which will aid in making the transition a seamless one.

It's a myth that when you "go organic" you have to give up the foods you love. Most people aren't willing to sacrifice the foods they love for the sake of their health, which is perfectly understandable. If you are forced to eat food that doesn't appeal to you, the chances of success are small. Instead, look for organic counterparts of the foods you love. Examples of foods that have an organic counterpart include corn chips, popcorn, chocolate and bread.

If you're like most people today, you lead a busy life that has you moving nearly constantly which means you don't have time to prepare a lot of food or put extensive effort into your food. There's good news for you in the world of organic foods. Invest in a juicer and a dehydrator and they will become your new best friends in the kitchen. Many people who eat organic "juice" their fruit for wonderful, nutrient-rich juices that you can take with you. Dehydrators are an organic foodie's best friend, second only to juicers. Cut up fruits and dry them. You now have nutrient-rich, super convenient, healthy organic foods to take with for on-the-go snacks or afternoon pick-me-ups plus they help you avoid the temptation of fast foods and, because organic foods are rich in water, you'll be more awake and less thirsty.

These are just three suggestions to get you started on the road to eating organic and changing your life for the better. Remember to go slowly, expect to backslide as this is normal, allow yourself to make mistakes, experiment with new foods and recipes and buy what you like. Customize your new diet to fit your lifestyle to increase the chance that you will succeed long term.

Why Local Organic Foods Taste So Much Better

I was in San Francisco this weekend and we bought ice cream from a local mom and pop shop featuring organic fresh ingredients in their ice cream. I chose the Mexican vanilla ice cream made with vanilla beans. Not vanilla syrup or vanilla powder. He asked me why it tasted so much better than the commercial brands.

For one, commercial brands use fillers, stabilizers, artificial flavors like fake vanilla, preservatives, and other ingredients to make the product to their liking. However, these fillers and preservatives that are used in commercial products are unnecessary but are used to create their food products to their liking. They are used to create a texture that holds the ice cream so that is lasts longer or so that it stays frozen longer or what not.

This ice cream had an amazing flavor because the ingredients are fresh and organic. You won't find stabilizers and fillers in here. The ingredients are so fresh that the product has to sell or else it will go bad. Also, food products that are local and organic have intense flavors because it's so fresh and unrefined.

In a world full of fake products and fake ingredients, in a world where there is so much mediocre food products we want more fresh, natural, intense flavored foods. The ice cream we ate was so good and so tasty and fresh, we want more of these products. Put down those commercialized food products and support local food products. Not only are they better and more nutritious for you, but they do taste better.

Josue Cano has been working in the fitness industry and has authored numerous articles about weight loss and fitness. He splits his passions with weightlifting, garlic salsa and nutritious tasty food. He's the author of his first book: Don't Weight Get in S.H.A.P.E. and holds the distinguished credential of C.S.C.S. (Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist)

He manages his own blog: Cap's Cave and check out his Garlic Salsa site!

Organic Food For Cancer - Why Chemotherapy Will Kill Your Bad and Good Cells

Cancer is possibly the most devastating disease one can have, it is considered a death sentence with no trial. Many people with that chronic disease immediately giving up because they do not believe anything will cure them. You have it and you think of it as a fatal disease that needs a fatal cure to it, and no alternative medicine or treatment will suffice here. After all alternative cure methods are too lame right?

Food Does Matter

The "Food Matters Cancer Learning Program" offers a strong, solid cure method for that chronic disease using...FOOD. Many articles has been written about the modern life style we live in the western world, that is loaded with instant foods that carry a lot of artificial preservatives and other toxins which we ahhm, take into our bodies. WHAT? are we really poisoning ourselves, you bet we are. Think about all the preservatives in that pre-made meal you bought lately in the store, think about all the sugar and toxins in your soda, lollies, 2 minutes noodles, and the list is long. Here are a few points that will throw some light on the issue:

  • So called 'primitive' populations are far more healthy than us 'non-primitive. Those primitive societies live on food that takes about 20 hours to extract from the point of ingestion. So from the moment they ate it, within 20 hours its toxins will come out. Us who live in the modern world and are no primitive keep those toxins in our body for 48-72 hours before we extract it. It is believed that the longer toxins and waste is kept in your body the more chances you have to get a chronic disease. So we are more prone to cancer. Who is the primitive now?
  • Chemo will kill the sick AND healthy cells. So you would lose your hair, feel nausea and lose your appetite. When you lose your healthy cells a lot of funny things starts to happen in your body, and you should know that ONLY good healthy organic nutrition will aid in building healthy cells. That is why Food Matters advocate curing any chronic disease using nutrition
  • Your doctor do not prescribe you with nutrition because he/she do not learn about it in medical school. We are programmed to follow authority. Since we are babies we see our parents as an authority, when we go to see a doctor we look at him/her as an authority. If you have cancer your doctor will tell you to have chemo, but they will not tell you that it will damage your healthy as well as the sick cells in your body. High dosage of Vitamin C in the other hand will nourish your body and kill your sick cells, those that carry that awful disease and will leave your healthy cells. You win without any side effects
I believe that the best doctor for you is YOU, and this is when you should doctor yourself. This CAN be done because you know your body more than any doctor in the world. You know what you feel after doing chemo and you know what you feel after drinking tons of fruit and vegetable juice.

Roy Gol is the owner of Acai House Inc. where you get FREE information about natural healing for chronic diseases.

Acai House Inc. is a resource for FREE information about health and nutrition, it encapsulates Food Matters Learning Programs for healing chronic diseases with nutrition only!

Visit my blog Acai House Inc to receive FREE information on how to heal cancer naturally with no chemotherapy, using only good healthy nutrition

What Raw Organic Food Can Do For You

Raw food does many things for our bodies. It is becoming one of the most recognized aspects of a healthy life style. If you have thought about eating raw organic food for your diet, here are some reasons that might convince you to take your first step.

Most raw organic food contains an inherent enzyme that helps improve our digestive track. When we eat processed food, our body has to do a lot of extra work to get everything digested. This can leave us tired, groggy, and without energy. When you eat raw organic food you make it much easier for your digestive system. This means that your body will have more energy. You will be more alert, and you will require less sleep. This is a great reason to start eating healthy, but of course the biggest reason why people start using this diet is to lose weight.

These foods will start to help you lose weight almost immediately. If you switch to a diet that only contains these raw foods you should expect a big change in your weight. But even only adding a few organic vegetables to dinner will help you to lose weight because it will take up room and make you less hungry for unhealthy foods.

Fruits and vegetables are also a great source for vitamins and minerals. Why use supplements when you can go straight for the source. Vitamin C can be obtained just by eating oranges.

People also claim that these foods will take years off of your appearance. Many formulas have been developed based on this knowledge. You can buy creams, or pills that contain vitamins which will help you decrease your age appearance. But again, why not go to the source and get your vitamins from fruits and vegetables.

Raw organic food has many benefits for our health system. Some people even say that they have had ailments cured by eating this type of diet. These ailments have ranged from diabetes, to cancer, and this diet is said to have had some great healing effects. I wouldn't count on raw food to cure cancer, but it does boost your immune system. These foods will help to vitalize all systems of your body so that you can function the way that you were supposed to.

If you want to try this diet, make sure that you start slow, and ease your way into it.

Lose Weight and Save Money With Organic Food

It seems that a lot of people who try to eat well and check the amount of calories of every meal are still stuck with those pounds inadvertently accumulated that resist any kind of sacrifice we endure to make them go away. Diet Pills and quick fix diets promise to but they never mention the bill, for both your health and your wallet. After years of experience in nutrition I can't give you an instant solution that will make thouse pounds disappear in a few hours but I can point you towards something that will give you that final boost to get rid off the weight once and for all. The final boost is organic food.

Organic Foods are cultivated without preservatives, pesticides, hormones, or any other harmful chemicals. They are designed to grow in harmony with the environment and work within the human body satisfying it's nutritional needs creating far less stress than their non-organic counterparts. Eating healthy organic food is the key to take off those excess pounds naturally without spending a fortune in diet treatments.

When you compare the nutrients present in organic fruits or vegetables to their traditionally grown counterparts, you'll find them to have a significantly larger amount of beneficial substances. In some cases, you'll see three times more vitamins and proteins in organic foods. One study showed organic oranges half the size of traditionally grown oranges containing more vital nutrients. By eating the appropriate amounts (vary depending on your height, complexion and age) of organic fruits and vegetables you can end your dependence multivitamin pills, by giving your body every essential nutrient you need in a much safer and cheaper way.

If you doubt that organic produces are healthier, consider the fact that artificial chemicals widely in many foods nowadays are relatively new and have only been consumed for a small fraction of the time humans have been on this planet, making their long time effects unknown.

It's also important to understand that our bodies are not designed to process all those, preservatives pesticides and hormones and therefore place excess stress upon vital organs, specially the liver. The end result is a build up of potentially dangerous chemicals in the fat stores of your body which has been linked to the storing of even more fat. I've already mentioned how consuming natural nutrients and eliminating harmful chemicals of your diet helps your body function more efficiently, but you're probably wondering how this helps you to lose that weight.

First of all, when you eat organic foods your body is able to digest them more quickly and efficiently. Since it doesn't have to deal with those chemicals, your metabolism's speed increases (something essential for losing weight), also allowing you to use the full energy potential of your food. This means you'll be less tired and ready to get up and move. You'll also have extra energy to exercise and burn off even more unwanted calories. Studies have also found that laboratory rats who were fed organic food sleep better. That means you'll rest better making it easier to seize the day, starting with a morning jog if you wish it. Yes, just by eating organic food you'll significantly improve your quality of life, for a fraction of what vitamin supplements would cost.

Another advantage of eating organic is that you'll be less likely to get sick. Eating organic helps provide your system with the proper nutrients to stay healthy as well as providing your body with more energy to fight off infection. All this will reduce your medical bills while also making less likely to lose job days due to sickness. While switching to an organic diet is a excellent way to lose weight, you must remember to eat the right organic foods. I recommend those that contain lots of fiber, plenty of fruits and vegetables are the perfect choice along with small amounts of protein and carbohydrates.